Friday 7 July 2017

Select the Best Herbal Shampoo by Kairali for Long and Shiny Hairs

The market is full of hair care products of entire diversity. The last two to three decades were phenomenal as for the development and acceptance of cosmetic hair care formulations that mostly relied on the new generation chemicals developed specifically for such purposes. The demand for such products went up exponentially because of the swift results for the user.

However, the majority of users started to realize that such chemicals based artificial products were causing more harm than benefit. This fact has been established through innumerable researches around the world. As awareness grew, popular mood in the market started to turn in favor of the herbal products like those offered in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system that was developed by famed sages and practitioners. Ayurveda was chronicled as a composite body of knowledge centuries ago and still stands powerfully through its age old & trusted formulations and counsels towards holistic health. Ayurveda touched upon significant concerns including hair problems and recommended selected herbs of nature for beautiful, long, shiny and bouncy hairs. Kairali of India has continued the authentic Ayurvedic traditions and today offers a host of hair care products like its amla shikakai shampoo which is developed as completely herbal formulation!

Nutrition of hairs through herbal shampoo

The benefits of amla (or Indian gooseberry) and shikakai were known to ordinary users in India throughout the history and its use has been quite high. However, reliance on these raw products started to decrease substantially in the last few decades and the reason for this, as stated above, was the increase in popularity of easy to use chemicals based shampoos and soaps. The popularity of these products emerged on account of the modern lifestyles that were determined by deadlines and allied hustle and bustle. More people found time crunch for themselves and their family and inclined towards the easy to use formulations that could deliver instant benefits. Such life patterns have become a permanent feature of today’s society and the real effective nutrition has been replaced by harmful chemicals. To reverse this situation, Kairali came up with its specialty Herbal shampoo that eliminates the hassles of collecting amla, shikakai and other ingredients and then boil the same to prepare the blend. Kairali has done this job in the most authentic way and the same nutrition is now available through this handy product developed for the average common user of society who lacks time!

Benefits of amla and shikakai for hairs

Amla or the Indian gooseberry is considered in Ayurveda as the ‘wonder fruit’. The fruit boasts of the highest concentration of Vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant, rejuvenator, & natural antihistamine. Besides, Vitamin C also optimizes the absorption of natural iron from the food that we take. The benefits of amla for hairs are tremendous and its natural ingredients directly aid in strong, healthy hair growth. Amla also vigorously helps in keeping hair growth black and shiny for a long time. Ayurveda has also counseled intake of amla for best hairs and overall health of the body.

Shikakai is an herb with proven benefits for hair health. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help to nourish the roots of hairs thus stimulating fast hair growth. The combination of these two leading herbs has been attempted in an authentic manner by Kairali to produce herbal shikakai amla shampoo. The results are fully safe making this product the best herbal shampoo in the market.

Kairali’s herbal anti dandruff shampoo - 

Kairali’s amla shikakai shampoo has also scored better than chemicals based anti-dandruff shampoos which claim superior cleansing of the hairs and scalp. Most modern shampoos contain harsh chemicals that leach out the essential oils of the scalp and therefore generate itchiness conditions that may turn worse in hot seasons. Kairali has optimized the action that act as natural cleansers and do not cause any harm to the scalp which makes this product an effective herbal anti dandruff shampoo!

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